Golden Rules of How to Get Published








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I have promoted this web site with the statement: "If you can write a postcard, you can write a book."

Let me qualify that. If you can write an imaginative postcard you can write a book. If you are one of those senders of postcards who cannot get past clichés such as ... "having a nice time, food good, weather lousy ... wish you were here" .... then forget it. But if you put a bit of thought into the creation of your postcard messages you can write a book.

All you have to do is put the same amount of concentration that you put into compiling your postcard message into each paragraph, and in no time at all you will find a book growing before your eyes. Yes, I promise you it is that easy. What it takes is total concentration, a grasp of the subject about which you are writing and the determination to get the words down on to paper (or on to your computer screen). And you have my 20 Golden Rules to help guide you.

You will first of all have done your homework, i.e. your research. If you are writing a novel, you will have a good idea of your storyline and a brief note on each chapter. Most of all, you will know your main characters as well as you know yourself. If you are writing a factual book, you will have a thorough knowledge of your subject and a chapter-by-chapter summary list of how your book will progress.

Then start with that vital first paragraph ... which brings me to my unique Postcard Challenge.

Each week here on this writeandearn website I will be issuing a Postcard Challenge. It is the place for you to visit to get your writing brain into gear. Hemingway used to warm up for his creative sessions by writing letters to loved ones or to publishers, just to get the juices flowing. So bookmark this page, and get ready to start writing.

This week's challenge: In no more than 75 words, write a first paragraph to a mystery thriller that is called Game for a Murder. E-mail it to me at postcard.challenge@writeandearn.com and I shall put it on the Postcard Response page along with my comments.


Remember, I am only listing all that I have done in a bid to inspire YOU. If I can do it, you can.

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